SGVP - A Vision to Reality

Founder of the Gurukul Parampara
In ancient India, Gurukuls were the centres for learning. The teachers at Gurukuls were the great masters called Rishis. Students lived with the masters. They learned the principles, not by memorizing, but by applying them in real life.
The focus of educational system was on development of practical wisdom rather than on accumulation of information. The curriculum integrated moral values. It was this unique way of teaching that made the students achieve success in both the material and spiritual spheres of life.
Inspired by this ancient system of education, in May 1948, the visionary H. H. Shastriji Maharaj Shree Dharmjivandasji Swami laid the foundation of the first Gurukul in Rajkot.
Gradually, his great vision manifested into reality in form of other branches at Junagadh, Ahmedabad, Surat and Hyderabad. These institutions have became educational centre of repute in India.
Heartened by the success of re-living the ancient system, the disciple saints of Shastriji Maharaj expanded the horizons by envisioning a modern Gurukul at Chharodi to be a centre of Academic Excellence at international level which would combine Science, Sports and Spirituality. Thus was born the Swaminarayan Gurukul Vishwavidya Pratishthanam (SGVP) at Chharodi with blessings of H.H. Pujya Shree Jogi Swami.
SGVP is located in the outskirts of Ahmedabad on a 52 acre campus with all modern facilities, offering education in English medium from Junior KG to class XII. With the blessings Shastri Shree Madhavpriyadasji Swami and expert guidance of Purani Balkrishnadasji Swami, SGVP continues to attain height of success in academic sphere.
There are many people whose contribution, in bringing SGVP at the point where it stands now, can never be forgotten. Their keen interest and persistent efforts in shaping a better world for the future generations at SGVP must be acknowledged.

Dr Ravindra Trivedi

Shri Keshubhai Patel