SGVP English Lit. Fest 2.0_2023-24

We’re super excited to share with you that this year we had hosted SGVP English Lit. Fest 2.0_2023-24 on 26th October 2023 in which students across different states of India participated after having qualified the elimination round.

The event started with the lightening of the lamp by the judges and a welcome dance performance by our students. Followed by felicitation of the judges by Ms. Padma Kumar, Principal. The judges of this event were – Dr. Purvi Shah, Ms. Charmis Maniar, Ms. Shirali Mehta and Ms. Manushi Gajjar.

This event provided a stage for emerging poets and writers to share their words capturing the audience by unfolding their vibrant tapestry of words. The atmosphere was charged with intellectual curiosity and the shared passion for the written word.

Our warmest appreciation to the winners under different categories and to all the schools and their students for their participation in this fest.

Congratulations and Best wishes!

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