Fostering A Positive Sibling Relationship

A child’s siblings are arguably some of the most important people.Sibling relationships are one of the first opportunities for children to learn social skills and that growing up, many of us have clear memories about our relationships with our siblings. For some of us they are great memories. For others, these relationships were not as pleasant.Or,in some situations these relationships have evolved over the years in various ways.A sibling bond makes us feel stronger than we could ever feel as individuals.

It is important to facilitate them with skills needed to live long and happy lives. By promoting a deep sense of  bond between your children,you will give them a gift that lasts a lifetime such as lifelong friendships,a deep understanding of each other. It also leads to better health to increased health in every area, when your children are fighting and failing to connect to each other, they will have an increase in stress levels as well as health issues -whether it be mental, physical or emotional. 

Strengthening sibling bonds leads to an atmosphere that is far more peaceful.

The following are some ideas and suggestions to help generate and encourage positive feelings between your children:

Spend time alone

Communicate individually  and give each one of them importance and talk to them individually. Set aside time for talking and listening to each other. Turn off phones, computers and television when you and your child are communicating. Make sure that each of your child receives alone time with you during the day. This one-on-one time can cut down the need to seek attention in inappropriate ways.

Let them work it out sometimes

Parents should only intervene when it gets out of hand. At times, it is best to let them resolve their problems, arguments and quarrels. Choosing to ignore the fight can give your children the opportunity or space to sort out for themselves.

Do not Exhibit Favouritism: According to the Time magazine ‘Why Mom liked you best-the science of favouritism

70 percent of fathers and 65 percent of mothers exhibit preference for at least one child. When there’s a fight, do not pick sides, do not get in and pick sides as this can be distasteful to the other one.

Set boundaries

It is imperative that the siblings have a respectful relationship with each other. Parents must instill love, care and responsibility in their first-born for their younger siblings. One must not divert their complete attention from the elder one to the younger sibling.

Do not compare

Never differentiate between your children. This might add bitterness and hurt one of your children, while the other might develop a superiority complex.

Listen to each child’s needs

Despite being raised in a similar space and environment at home. The children have different needs and unique abilities. As a parent, one must  listen to each child’s needs.

Sibling relationships is the most enduring relationship we can ever have. Parents must establish routine and activities for their children to have quality time with each other and bond well.

 Remember-A sibling is a lifelong anchor for a child……..

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