Internet trolling and impact on mental health

Trolling has become the latest reality to influence social media networking websites and is by far the most ferocious and vandalizing to young people and adults.

 A Troll is a person, generally anonymous, who consciously starts an argument or posts aggressive comments to provoke a person or group of people.

What is a Troll?

Trolls go to a great extent to make messages hurtful and to belittle somebody. Most people troll for revenge, seeking attention, amusement or boredom. This leads them to be hurtful and negative towards others. They turn out to be cyber bullies. Besides, failing to realize that we all have a Digital Footprint. This online behavior leaves an impression about one’s character.

There has been increasing trolling especially against women due to existing patriarchal systems. There has been an immense challenge to draw a silver line between freedom of speech and expression. Not often children are taught about appropriate online behavior as mentioned in the prior lines that these Digital Footprints may impact one’s future. It is imperative we must be mindful with our online interactions in order to avoid creating perceptions about oneself that may not be desirable or in favor.

Always STOP and Think before you post online.

Having said that, the following steps can be taken if you’re being attacked, intimidated or harassed online:


Disengage online conversation so that it does not add fuel to the fire. It is not important to retaliate online with an aggressive person or a comment. The world is full of opinions and one less opinion can do no harm. Giving opinions and retaliating could be futile.

Report an account/individual:

You can flag the comment ‘abusive’ and report the post, comment or an individual. You must understand if at all there are comments against you they don’t define the person you are. At times these comments can be hard hitting and lower oneself esteem. Share this with your trusted one. 

Block them:

In the first place, you must ensure that you are accessible to people whom you are well acquainted with. In order to have a safe networking experience online. If you come across a bully or an aggressive person online who disturbs you with distasteful comments, the simple thing could be to block them and protect your mental sanctity.


Taking screenshots of threatening messages, if need be for an adult to understand and take action for you. 

Share and seek emotional support you need:

It can be nerve wracking to deal with online bullying or threat. It is advisable not to take a call on your own. The further action must be guided by an adult in the family. At any instance do not hold back from seeking emotional support.

Online bullying has taken many forms from abusive statements, fake videos and to design people’s image. Many comments and posts have reflected misogyny by abusing women and body shaming them. Failing to empathize with the person on the other end. The idea is to discourage the trolling culture for safe and healthy presence online.

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