More Tears

Yes, more tears.

“Have a good cry, wash out your heart. If you keep it inside, it’ll tear you apart”-Anonymous

We live in a society that has a stigma attached to feeling sad. There is this constant pressure to always be happy, confident and show off yourself like everything is okay 100% of the time, when in fact that’s not the case but we’re made to feel embarrassed of ever feeling sad or vulnerable. If you cry you express emotion, often interpreted as a sign of weakness and gender stereotypes that if you’re a boy or man it’s pretty much considered as inappropriate or abnormal.

Crying is a normal emotional response when you’re anxious or overwhelmed.

Here are all the Healthy Reasons to let yourself have a good cry. 

Crying to make peace with yourself

  • To calm yourself
  • To modulate/manage emotions
  • Reduce your grief

Crying to relieve pain

Crying not only has a soothing effect but also, crying releases oxytocin and endorphins that makes you feel good and comforts both physical and emotional pain. Crying can let go of bottled up emotion. So, cry your heart out.

Crying to have emotional clarity

If there is a deluge or you feel overwhelmed. At times it becomes difficult to understand our emotions. When we cry, we become vulnerable. It helps in surfacing emotions that can help us have emotional clarity. This clarity results in self-awareness which is a very important part of healing oneself. Understanding your emotions and moving on.

Cry to relieve stress

Research believes stress chemicals  in the body can be reduced due to crying. When humans cry to respond to stress,tears contain stress hormones and other chemicals which gets released when you cry.

Cry to have a Good Sleep

It is said that good sleep is God’s blessing. Number of hours of sleep one gets has a lot of impact on their health. The effect of crying can be mood-soothing, calming and stress relieving.

Thus, enhancing good sleep.

Cry to fight bacteria

By shedding tears, the fluid called lysozyme can help kill bacteria and keep the eyes clean.

The next time you find yourself crying into a tub of ice cream, don’t be ashamed.: it’s healthy to cry!

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